Inaugural ceremony of the Pavilions Mgr Munzihirwa Mwenengabo Christophe s.j by Mgr Maroy Rusengo François-Xavier, Archbishop of Bukavu this April 30, 2021.
Pavilions built and equipped with HPGRB’s own funds.
Minister Eteni LONGONDO congratulated and strongly encouraged the HPGRB’s medical staff for the remarkable commitment of this public health institution in the response to COVID-19!
Upon his arrival in Bukavu, the capital of South Kivu Province, on Saturday 20 June 2020, the National Minister of Health, His Excellency Eteni LONGONDO, visited several facilities for the care of COVID-19 patients. Accompanied by His Excellency Théo NGWABIDJE KASI, Provincial Governor, as well as members of the COVID-19 pandemic response team in the province, the Minister of Health began his visits by the BWINDI isolation centre where he congratulated and encouraged the health care staff for all the efforts and sacrifices made in this fight. After the Bwindi stopover, the National Minister of Health made a stopover at the Provincial General Reference Hospital of Bukavu (HPGRB) where he was welcomed by the Acting Medical Director Dr Ghislain MAHESHE, surrounded by the entire management staff and medical corps.
On the spot, Minister Eteni LONGONDO congratulated and strongly encouraged the medical staff for the remarkable commitment of this public health establishment in the fight against COVID-19 in South Kivu Province, which continues to do its utmost with the available means. The Minister took this opportunity to recall the decision taken by the Head of State, H.E. Félix Antoine TSHISEKEDI TSHILOMBO, who wants the funds allocated to the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the independence of the DRCongo, on 30 June, to be allocated instead to the wage of the health personnel involved in the response against Covid-19. The National Minister of Health wished to recall the support of the Head of State to the entire population of South Kivu facing this terrible pandemic.